LGF II: Charles and Killgore Free Footballs

June 26, 2008

Mel Brooks Inquisition Clip

Filed under: Uncategorized,Weird — muman613 @ 7:29 pm
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Just thinking about Jackie Mason and I remembered the fantastic scene in Mel Brooks movie “The History of the World – Part I”. Jackie plays a poor Jew who is being tortured by Torquamata {his balls were used to play ping-pong}.

Mel Brooks was very clever in his humor. I myself think this clip is hilarious because it portrays the Inquisitor as a fool. Also due to the fact that the presentation is in musical style it makes the subject matter light and humorous. Also the Jews are portrayed as strong in their religion and unwilling to convert to the false religion of the inquisitors.


  1. OT- Chuckles is now attacking Bobby Jindal for signing an ID bill.

    Comment by trajan75 — June 27, 2008 @ 2:16 pm

  2. Ya I saw that. I hope Bobby Jindal because VP. I wonder if Charles would rather support Obama then alien himself with a politician that believes G-d created the world.

    BTW How much money do you think Drudge took to sell out to the Obama camp.

    Comment by avideditor — June 27, 2008 @ 7:11 pm

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